Monthly Archives: April 2013

I was the perfect parent…before I had kids

I read a quote recently that went something like “I was the perfect parent…before I had kids”. Those are some of the truest words I’ve heard. Before you have kids you have all the ideas and ideals. Then reality hits and you just do your best to get your kids dressed, fed and out the door every day. One of my pre-parenting thoughts was that toy guns were bad and that I would never let MY son play ‘guns’. Well a few years later I have a 3 year old son who will turn any toy into a gun. Look what I build with my tinker toys Mommy, a gun! Look what I built with my Lego, a gun! Look what shape I made my sandwich into, a gun! So throw that grand parenting idea out the window because my boy loves playing guns and I’m realizing being behind the glass is a lot harder than looking through the window.

Until I write again…


I Love You Muffin

So my three-year old son has recently taken it upon himself to give me a nickname. “Muffin”. That’s right, Muffin. He put some thought into it as over the last week or so he’s also referred to me as “Honey” and “Mama”. But “Muffin” seems to have stuck. I find the whole thing both comical and endearing. He pretty much melted my heart yesterday when he said “goodnight Muffin, I love you”. Other times it just has me laughing, “thank you Muffin”, “can I please have some more cereal Muffin?” He has also tried to use it to get him out of trouble. Like this morning when he dumped 10 boxes of puzzles in one big pile. “I’m sorry…Muffin???” Nice try buddy. So for now I will embrace my new nickname as I know things like this pass over time but hopefully by writing it down I will remember and think back with a heartfelt smile.

Until I write again…


People I Want to Punch in the Throat

a snapshot into my family's daily adventures

zen habits

a snapshot into my family's daily adventures

The Happiness Project

Just another site

Let ME Out!!

a snapshot into my family's daily adventures

A Page From My Life

a snapshot into my family's daily adventures